Insception Lifebank recently attended the Toronto BabyTime Show, promoting cord blood banking to expectant parents. Clinical educators were standing by to discuss cord blood banking technology and the ways in which it can benefit families.

At the event, Together Magazine caught up with Insception Lifebank Cord Blood Program to discuss the benefits of cord blood banking. It was an exciting opportunity for Wendy Welch, Business Development Associate at Insception Lifebank, to talk about cord blood technology and therapy.

In the interview, Wendy states that cord blood was previously thrown away as waste after a baby is born. It was only 25 years ago that it was discovered that cord blood cord contains stem cells that can be used to treat a wide range of diseases. She states that cord blood can be stored for at least 24 years and can be released for transplant at any point during that time.

The interview also highlights that parents can register for cord blood banking at any point in their pregnancy, but 7 months is ideal. Parents can register via Insception Lifebank’s website at:

The whole interview can be viewed on Youtube at:

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