On Friday May 2, organizations across Australia celebrated Coin for a Cord Day, a day devoted to fundraising for cord blood stem cell research. The organizations are chapters of Inner Wheel Club, which collectively have raised millions of dollars to help experts uncover new uses for umbilical cord blood.

Coin for a Cord Day was also promoted in hospitals across the country, including Norwest Private Hospital located on the northwest border of Sydney. Norwest is affiliated with Inner Wheel Club, and volunteers from the organization’s Baulkham Hills chapter were stationed at the hospital throughout Coin for a Cord Day.

The hospital was also busy preparing for the births of new babies. One couple, Anne and David Hoh are believed to be the first parents to welcome their newborn on Coin for a Cord Day. Baby Jayden Hoh was born on May 2, and Baulkham Hills Inner Wheel Club President Lyn Stanley personally delivered a special Coin for a Cord teddy bear to the Hohs as a welcome gift for Jayden.

The Inner Wheel Club is a proud supporter of cord blood stem cell research, recognizing there remains untapped potential therapy derived from cord blood. Coin for a Cord Day is one of the biggest days of the year for the Inner Wheel Club, with fundraisers used to finance cord blood stem cell research conducted by leading medical experts.

Cord blood stem cell research is primarily financed through fundraisers from nonprofit agencies, as well as through government grants. Various countries have their own methods to support cord blood stem cell therapy but internationally, agencies agree that the best interests for all families is to learn more about the benefits of cord blood.

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