The medical community will spend September acknowledging Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, an awareness campaign that recognizes the harm caused by childhood cancer.  The campaign will last throughout all of September as hospitals, community groups, and thousands of families do their part to bring light to the condition.

Childhood cancer is typically a very aggressive illness, particularly if the cancer is in the blood, the brain, or the central nervous system.  Cancer in children is usually more forceful than in adults, and the Childhood Cancer Awareness campaign hopes to generate enough awareness about the illness to help as many children in need as possible.

The causes of childhood cancer remain largely unknown to the medical community, though doctors and other medical experts continue to conduct research into potential therapy that could improve the lives of children with cancer.  Many doctors recommend cord blood stem cells derived from banked cord blood units as potentially progressing the quality of life for children with cancer.

One organization working hard throughout September is the Childhood Cancer Canada Foundation.  The Foundation is one of Canada’s leading organizations dedicated to improving the lives of children with cancer through numerous community support programs and continued investment in cancer research.  The Foundation is partnered with 17 of the largest hospitals in the country that specialize in childhood cancer, which helps sick children receive the best medical care for their conditions.

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month helps children who are most in need, and even getting informed about the illness can help make all the difference for a sick child.  Participating hospitals across the country will host information sessions about childhood cancer, and concerned citizens can also check medical websites to learn more about the condition.

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