While cord blood banking is becoming increasingly popular among Canadian parents, many parents are still unaware of its benefits. That’s why it is important for cord blood banking to gain exposure in the media; so, we were delighted to tune into The Marilyn Denis show recently to discover that it was one of the show’s topics.

The segment on cord blood banking appeared during a feature on ‘What to Expect During the Fifth Month of Your Pregnancy’. During the fifth month, your baby has developed significantly; it will be able to see and hear, as well as develop its muscles. During this time, you will be able to feel your baby moving, since it will be flexing its new muscle. You are likely to gain 5 to 10 pounds, and your appetite will increase. It is during this time that it is suggested that you begin considering cord blood banking.

Marilyn Denis inquires about cord blood banking and  states that it was not an option available when she had her children. Dr. Kymm Feldman, who was on the show, explains the difference between banking and donating, and clears up the misconception that cord blood cannot be banked when a C-section is performed.

Furthermore, Dr. Kymm Feldman states that it is up to parents to decide whether or not cord blood banking is right for them. However, she stresses that it is wise for families with a history of illness and ethnic minority should especially consider the option.

To watch the full segment, visit the Marilyn Denis Show’s website: https://www.marilyn.ca/parenting/segments.aspx/Daily/May2012/05_08_2012/CordBlood

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