In the online world, Reddit is one of the biggest content-sharing communities. It is the first-stop for many internet users, and its Ask Me Anything page receives thousands of views every day. Recently, a former leukaemia patient who underwent the first-ever American cord blood transplant started an Ask Me Anything thread, opening himself up to questions from those who may be unaware of the treatment.

An Ask Me Anything thread is opened by an individual with an interesting story to tell. Reddit users then post questions about anything they can imagine relating to the topic at hand, and the original poster answers them promptly.

In this particular thread, the original poster is the first patient in America to receive a cord blood transplant to treat his leukaemia. Posters have asked questions about the specifics of cord blood banking and how families can take part – in addition to posting their own experiences with cord blood banking technology.

Witnessing the sharing of this information makes for a great read. Visit this post on Reddit.


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