July is Cord blood Awareness Month! We couldnโ€™t be happier that a full month has been dedicated to raising awareness about this precious resource and all its potential! To celebrate, weโ€™re offering expecting parents this limited time promo code to save $50 upon the purchase of cord blood banking for your little one*: Summer50

Not ready to enroll just yet? Weโ€™d love to tell you more about the incredible potential of cord blood. Please join us for a no-cost parent education session on July 22nd!

We also offer in person sessions and weโ€™d love to meet with you. Let us know which location works best for you by selecting from the drop down menu and weโ€™ll get the process started.

Now, back to cord blood! As a refresher, hereโ€™s a quick rundown of the incredible benefits of cord blood โ€“ current and emerging!

Cord Blood gives you and your family options

Banking this precious resource for your little one is yet another way that youโ€™ll be able to protect them now and in the future. It ensures that you and your family will have the opportunity to benefit from potential medical treatments today or in the future.

What is Cord Blood?

  • Cord blood is a rich source of non-controversial stem cells that have the potential to develop into all blood cell types, including oxygen-carrying red blood cells and disease-fighting immune cells.
  • Cord blood is obtained from your babyโ€™s umbilical cord at birth, after the cord has been cut.
  • Cord blood collection is a fast, painless and risk-free procedure that your healthcare provider can perform so that the precious stem cells are not discarded as medical waste. 

4 benefits of Cord Blood Banking

1) A perfect match for your baby

2) A potential match for your family

In the future, your babyโ€™s cord blood may provide a sibling or family member with life-saving options.

  • There is a 25% chance that a siblingโ€™s cord blood will be a perfect match.28
  • Studies have shown that cord blood stem cells from a matched, related donor have less risk of rejection and a greater chance of acceptance than cells from an unrelated donor.5
  • Other studies indicate that cord blood may not need to match as closely as is required for a marrow donor.28

3) Cord Blood is used TODAY in the treatment of over 80 diseases

Today, cord blood stem cells are used in the treatment of over 80 life-threatening diseases, including a range of cancers, genetic diseases, and blood disorders.10 In fact, more than 30,000 umbilical cord transplants have been performed worldwide to date.7

4) Cord Blood holds potential for the future

Scientists have been passionately researching the potential uses of cord blood stem cells for the last 20 years. Today, clinical trials are underway to investigate how cord blood stem cells may help provide treatments for autism, acquired hearing loss, type 1 diabetes, cerebral palsy and spinal cord injury.8

Should your baby ever need a stem cell transplant in the future, their own perfectly matched umbilical cord stem cells will be immediately available throughout their lifetime, with no risk of rejection.

Choose Insception Lifebank to help you keep your promise:

Above all, we want you to considering banking your babyโ€™s cord blood. And, we truly believe that if you bank with us, youโ€™ll be in the most capable hands.

Hereโ€™s what makes us different:

  • Experience. Insception Lifebank was founded nearly 20 years ago and remains, to this day, Canadaโ€™s largest cord blood program.
  • Competence. We know how to do things right. Weโ€™ve released more cord blood units than all other Canadian Cord Blood Banks combined!
  • Credibility. We work with the best! Our partnerships include many leading medical and research institutions including Mount Sinai Hospital, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and The Scarborough Hospital.
  • Stability. Insception Lifebank is financially stable with solid corporate governance. You can trust us as a constant in a continuously evolving medical environment.
  • Commitment to research and education. We are the leaders in providing education and awareness about the current and potential uses of cord stem cells and overall stem cell advances.

*Enroll for cord blood banking before July 31st at 11:59PM to take advantage of this offer!



Blog Cord Blood Cord Blood Awareness Month
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