Many mums- and dads-to-be, feel that becoming a parent can be an overwhelming experience.  However, there is little need to fret, as there is proof that bringing a baby into the world strengthens your emotions.  A recent study by researchers at the Kinsey Institute delves into the emotional effects of giving birth, which make women less prone to stress and more capable of handling difficult situations that do not directly relate to their new child.

This shift in emotional reaction occurs due to a new mother’s neuroendocrine state.  This state lessens activity in the amygdala, the part of the brain which controls a person’s emotional responses.  As such postnatal women were less distressed by disturbing images that researchers presented to them, in comparison to women who hadn’t given birth.

“Our findings extend previous work showing a lower stress response with motherhood that likely enhances her ability to cope with this dramatic new role,” says Heather Rupp, lead author of the study ‘Amygdala response to negative images in postpartum vs. nulliparous women and intranasal oxytocin’.

So, if the idea of becoming a parent is stressful for you, it should comfort you to know that your postnatal body produces a natural reaction for coping with the responsibility.  You’ll be able to focus on taking care of your new baby while taking everyday stresses in stride.

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