When you become pregnant, you get all sorts of strange cravings for certain types of food. Each woman’s body is different, and your cravings will vary. While it is okay to give into your cravings of French fries dipped in ice cream, it is important for expecting moms to also change their diets to include some essential pregnancy foods that will ensure a healthy baby.

The most important aspect of any pregnancy diet is sticking to the Canada food guide to ensure you are eating healthy, well-balanced meals. You should strive to consume 7 -8 servings of fruit, 6 servings of starch, 2 servings of protein and 2 servings of dairy per day. This will help you provide your baby with the necessary nutrients he or she will need in order to come into the world healthy and happy.

There are also some foods that you should avoid. Cheeses with unpasteurized milk (such as brie) contain listeria, which can be harmful to your baby. Undercooked meat and eggs, as well as raw seafood, also contain bacteria that are not healthy for your unborn child. Other forms of seafood you should avoid are tuna, marlin and swordfish, as they contain high levels of mercury.

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