Do you know about Cord Blood Awareness Month?  July is internationally recognized as the time for families, physicians, hospitals, and cord blood banking centres to share their stories so more families will learn more about cord blood.

Cord blood is rich in hematopoietic stem cells, which can develop into other types of cells as potential therapy for an ever increasing list of medical conditions and disorders.  Physicians recommend cord blood as possible therapy for patients with leukaemia, cerebral palsy, Type 1 Diabetes, spinal cord injury, and dozens of others.

Families are encouraged to ask questions about cord blood banking programs, but should also learn more about the cord blood collection process itself.  The cord blood collection process is a simple, painless procedure that requires approximately five minutes to complete.  The collection process occurs after the birth of the baby, and poses absolutely no medical risk to either the mother or the newborn child.

In honour of Cord Blood Awareness Month, Insception Lifebank created a video as part of a worldwide promotion of cord blood awareness.  Entitled as the ‘Simple Steps Of Cord Blood Banking’ the video recounts the simple process of cord blood banking, and encourages families to seek more information about cord blood.

A link to the video is available by clicking here.  Are you cord blood ready?

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