When a new baby is born, sleep is elusive for both the parents and the baby even though rest is vital for the health of the whole family.  This can be hard on parents as adults require between 6 to 8 hours of quality sleep every night, while babies tend to sleep for shorter amounts of time.

Babies generally sleep up to 17 hours per day, but that total is over the course of the entire day.  By the time they are two months old, they will begin sleeping for longer periods at night and shorter periods during the day, which is much easier on the parents.  However, as parents you can make the transition to longer, restful nights a little easier.

First, be sure to teach your baby the difference between night and day.  During the day, try to keep the baby active and alert, letting them know that this is the time of day that they should be awake.  When the sun goes down, start to wind down.  Turn down the lights and keep noise levels to a minimum.  This will establish a behavioural pattern in the baby’s mind, and help them learn when to be alert and when to be asleep.

It is also a good idea to start a bedtime routine, establishing some type of signal to let your baby know it is time to go to sleep.  You can do this by singing a lullaby, reading to them or even simply giving them a good night kiss.


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Blog How To Get Newborns Into A Healthy Sleeping Pattern
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