Dr. Robert Casper, one of the Insception Lifebank’s Scientific Founders, has received national acclaim for his new research regarding the rejuvenation of human eggs. Covered in the Globe and Mail, his research findings are making a splash in the national medical community.

Dr. Casper’s research studies the effects of injecting older mice with the antioxidant CoQ-10. The results have found that the mice have been able to produce more high quality eggs than those of other mice their age. Dr. Casper believes that the research may be applied to humans, bearing similar results.

The average age of women who wish to conceive children has increased in recent years. Now, more than ever, an increasing number of women over the age of 35 want to start families. However, the quality of their eggs diminishes during their 30s, resulting in miscarriages and birth defects.

This being the case, older women across Canada and the United States are elated with the news of Dr. Casper’s research. The Globe and Mail states that women are testing the research out for themselves, taking CoQ-10 on their own in order to boost their chances of conceiving a healthy child.


At Insception Lifebank Cord Blood Program, we are proud of Dr. Casper’s research. Congratulations from the Insception Lifebank team!

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