Growing children need the right amount of nutrients in their diet, and it is up to parents to ensure they get the vitamins they need from their meals.  However, children are often picky eaters, unwilling to eat healthy foods that are best for them.  Therefore, parents need to encourage their picky eaters to eat healthier yet due so without being pushy.

It is important not to pressure your children into eating foods that they may be reluctant to try.  By ensuring that you provide three square meals and two snacks per day, you’re exposing them to new foods on a number of occasions.  If they don’t want to try broccoli at lunch, rest assured that dinner is just a few hour away.  Simply ease them into trying new foods without forcing it.

It is also wise to remember that children’s tastes are always developing.  Remember how you only wanted to eat French Fries as a three-year-old?  Now, think about how rich and diverse your diet is.  Regardless of what children say about particular foods at the moment, their opinions are likely to change over time.

It has also been proven that children are more willing to eat foods when they can be involved in the cooking process.  Try to include your kids by showing them what goes into preparing mashed potatoes or steamed carrots.  They’ll also enjoy helping to pick out ripe veggies when you go shopping.  Make the nutritional learning experience fun for them!

Remember that it can take at least 20 attempts before a child will accept a new food into their diet.  If they spit out cauliflower the first time they try it, give it another shot.  Since their tastes are still developing, they will eventually change their minds after more exposure to the foods.

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