Preparing For Baby’s First Illness

Preparing For Baby’s First Illness

The first time that your newborn falls ill is one of the most stressful events that you will experience as a new parent.  However, as is so often the case preparation is the key to manage the situation effectively without experiencing a great deal of stress.

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Benefits and Basics of Prenatal Yoga

Benefits and Basics of Prenatal Yoga

During your pregnancy, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle by staying active and exercising.  Yoga is one of the most effective methods of fitness and stress relief, but the discipline can help your mind, body, and spirit in other ways as well.

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Eating For Two

Eating For Two

When most women become pregnant, one of the first adjustments that they make is to their diets.  There’s an old saying that expecting mothers eat for two over nine months.  However, a new study, commissioned by researchers at the University of Auckland, proves that ‘eating for two’ is actually a fallacy that leads to excessive weight gain.

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Study Shows Flu Shots Are Safe for Pregnancy

Study Shows Flu Shots Are Safe for Pregnancy

One of the most highly debated pieces of pregnancy advice concerns flu shots – are they harmful or are they safe?  For years, medical professional have been unable to reach an agreement regarding the debate, but a new study proves that flu shots are indeed safe for pregnant women.

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Healthy Drinks For Healthy Pregnancy

Healthy Drinks For Healthy Pregnancy

A pregnancy causes several changes to a woman’s lifestyle that often take time to fully adapt.  One of the most important is incorporating a healthy diet filled with nutrients for the baby.  This includes knowing what nutritional foods are safe to eat, but drinks are just as important for the welfare of both mother and child.

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Preventing and Managing Pregnancy Back Pain

Preventing and Managing Pregnancy Back Pain

Back pain is a common occurrence for pregnant women, causing prolonged discomfort.  Weight gain, stress and the increase of hormones are routine causes of back aches during pregnancy.  While some back discomfort is a natural part of the pregnancy process, there are some tactics that can be used to prevent back aches.

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Active Exercises for Expecting Mothers

Active Exercises for Expecting Mothers

Pregnancy is quite physically demanding, and while it is tempting to spend your spare time relaxing, you should do what you can to stay active.  Exercising not only keeps you in good shape, but it also is good for the labour and the health of the baby.  It is important to maintain an active fitness routine but you should make sure that you’re not over-exerting yourself. 

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Expecting Moms Should Take Prenatal Vitamins With Iodine

Expecting Moms Should Take Prenatal Vitamins With Iodine

Prenatal vitamins are essential in any pregnancy.  They ensure that both the mother and her child receive the nutrients required for a healthy pregnancy and birth.  The branding is generally irrelevant as the list of supplements included in most vitamins is usually similar.

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How Much Should I Exercise During Pregnancy?

How Much Should I Exercise During Pregnancy?

Maintaining an active lifestyle is important at any stage in a person’s life – and this is especially true during pregnancy.  Exercising provides moms-to-be with many benefits, including less weight gain, faster labour and a reduced likeliness of premature birth.  But, how do you know you’re working hard enough?

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New Year

New Year

The beginning of the New Year is a time for a fresh start – for yourself and the whole family.  As a parent, it’s up to you to ensure you keep up with your resolution in order to set the example for the kids, and here are a few ideas. 

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Woman Loves Darwin, The Ikea Monkey Like a Son

Woman Loves Darwin, The Ikea Monkey Like a Son

When the now infamous Ikea Monkey, Darwin, made a scene in a local Ikea parking lot, he made international headlines.  Dubbed the world’s most fashionable monkey by UK journalists, Darwin became an overnight celebrity.  Unfortunately, his fame is failing to protect him from being taken away from his mother, Yasmin Nakhuda, who views Darwin as her son.

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What Are The Benefits Of Exercising During Pregnancy?

What Are The Benefits Of Exercising During Pregnancy?

It is important for mums-to-be to maintain a healthy lifestyle while pregnant, but exercising isn’t only about preparing to slim down after the baby is born.  There are many benefits to exercising while you’re carrying a child – benefits that keep you healthy, active and happy. 

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Does Having Babies Make You Tougher?

Does Having Babies Make You Tougher?

Many mums- and dads-to-be, feel that becoming a parent can be an overwhelming experience.  However, there is little need to fret, as there is proof that bringing a baby into the world strengthens your emotions.

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What Are Mesenchymal Stem Cells

What Are Mesenchymal Stem Cells


Mesenchymal cells are a component of many different tissues including umbilical cord blood (UCB), the umbilical cord tissue, bone marrow (BM) and adipose tissue (AT).  Over the last decade there has been much interest in this cell type because of its regenerative properties.

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Introducing New Foods To The Picky Eaters In Your Home

Introducing New Foods To The Picky Eaters In Your Home

Growing children need the right amount of nutrients in their diet, and it is up to parents to ensure they get the vitamins they need from their meals.  However, children are often picky eaters, unwilling to eat healthy foods that are best for them.  Therefore, parents need to encourage their picky eaters to eat healthier yet due so without being pushy. 

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Fun Education At The Toronto Babytime Show

Fun Education At The Toronto Babytime Show

 Insception Lifebank Cord Blood Program is dedicated to playing an active role in the local community, and as such we make appearances at local baby shows. It is always a fun-filled experience, and one of our favourite stops is the Toronto Babytime Show, which we had the pleasure of visiting the weekend of November 9 to November 11.

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Jogger Giveaway From Insception Lifebank


Halloween has come and gone, and now it’s time to get ready for the holidays!  With Li’l Niblets & Baby Sprouts, Insception Lifebank is getting into the holiday spirit by giving away a free Baby Jogger City Mini stroller!

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Cord blood transplant for a memorable thanksgiving

Cord blood transplant for a memorable thanksgiving

Abi Hamlin a brave 18 year old was diagnosed with leukemia in March 2011 in the middle of her junior year of high school; originally it required chemotherapy for treatment.  For a while the chemo seemed to be working and she was able to get out of the hospital and return to her life.

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Insception Lifebank is launching Q & A Session on Twitter!

Insception Lifebank is launching Q & A Session on Twitter!


Insception Lifebank will be hosting a Q & A session via Twitter to discuss cord blood in detail and allow questions for curious families.  The goal is to promote greater awareness of cord blood and encourage more families to educate themselves on the benefits that come from making a life changing choice.

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Insception Lifebank is launching Q & A Session on Twitter!

Insception Lifebank is launching Q & A Session on Twitter!


Insception Lifebank will be hosting a Q & A session via Twitter to discuss cord blood in detail and allow questions for curious families.  The goal is to promote greater awareness of cord blood and encourage more families to educate themselves on the benefits that come from making a life changing choice.

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Stress Can Cause Harm During Pregnancy

Stress Can Cause Harm During Pregnancy

Although the journey of bringing a new life into the world is beautiful and miraculous, it can also be stressful.  While stress is common during pregnancy, about 25% of women experience the type of extreme stress that interferes with their day-to-day lives. A new study finds that expecting mothers that experience this type of stress are more likely to give birth to preterm and low-weight babies.

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Future Applications for Cord Blood Stem Cells


Cord blood banking is a beneficial procedure that offers a treatment option for over 70 different

diseases. Currently, researchers are working hard to find new uses for cord blood stem cells,

expanding its potential and providing treatment for a wider range of diseases.

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