Travelling While Pregnant

While travelling during pregnancy was previously discouraged, that is no longer the case. Expecting parents are encouraged to go on about their everyday lives, even if it includes travelling – however, they should exercise some caution. Here are a few helpful tips to remember when travelling while expecting. 

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Is It Healthy to Work Late Into Your Pregnancy?

As more and more women wait until their 30s to have children, most expecting mothers are dedicated to their successful careers. As such, it is common for many pregnant women to continue working late into their pregnancies, but a new study suggests that this may not be a very good idea. 

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Research Activity For Mesenchymal Stem Cells Rise

Research is the key to developing any medical treatment into an effective product. With Mesenchymal Stem Cells being developed for potential therapeutic applications, research continues to discover their benefits to treating various diseases.

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Cord Blood Banking Goes Viral on Reddit

In the online world, Reddit is one of the biggest content-sharing communities. It is the first-stop for many internet users, and its Ask Me Anything page receives thousands of views every day. Recently, a former leukaemia patient who underwent the first-ever American cord blood transplant started an Ask Me Anything thread, opening himself up to questions from those who may be unaware of the treatment.

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Sharing Cord Blood Banking With A Loved One

Cord blood banking has the potential to save the life of a family member should they ever fall ill. However, many expecting parents are unaware of the benefits of this emerging medical technology, so it is up to you to share what you know about cord blood banking with your loved ones.  


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How Are Cord Blood Stem Cells Used To Treat Leukemia?

One of the most common uses for cord blood stem cells is aiding in the treatment of various forms of leukaemia. We know that a cord blood transplant is an essential part of the process, but what actually happens when a transplant takes place?

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How Long Are Cord Blood Stem Cells Viable For?

When parents choose to store their baby’s cord blood, one of the most common questions they ask is: “How long after being stored can cord blood stem cells be used?”

Over the years, several studies have shown that cord blood stem cells can be used for quite some time after your child is born. For years, the common consensus was that cord blood stem cells were only viable for 15 years following a child’s birth. However, recent studies show that cord blood stem cells can be used for much longer that than. 

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Cord Blood Banking Featured On Marilyn Denis Show

 While cord blood banking is becoming increasingly popular among Canadian parents, many parents are still unaware of its benefits. That’s why it is important for cord blood banking to gain exposure in the media; so, we were delighted to tune into The Marilyn Denis show recently to discover that it was one of the show’s topics. 

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Insception Lifebank Featured In Together Magazine Interview

Insception Lifebank recently attended the Toronto BabyTime Show, promoting cord blood banking to expectant parents. Clinical educators were standing by to discuss cord blood banking technology and the ways in which it can benefit families.

At the event, Together Magazine caught up with Insception Lifebank Cord Blood Program to discuss the benefits of cord blood banking. It was an exciting opportunity for Wendy Welch, Business Development Associate at Insception Lifebank, to talk about cord blood technology and therapy.

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Healthy Pregnancy Diet

 When you become pregnant, you get all sorts of strange cravings for certain types of food. Each woman’s body is different, and your cravings will vary. While it is okay to give into your cravings of French fries dipped in ice cream, it is important for expecting moms to also change their diets to include some essential pregnancy foods that will ensure a healthy baby.  

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Insception Lifebank Sponsors Oh Baby! Facebook Party

Oh Baby! Magazine, one of Canada’s most beloved parenting publications will be hosting a Facebook party on April 19, 2012 – and you’re invited! Insception Lifebank is a sponsor of this fun and unique online event, providing you with some fantastic prizes just for taking part.  

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Spring Cord Blood Education Sessions

 Spring is a time for new beginnings, and what better time to begin preparing to bring a new life into this world. For expecting parents, now is the time to begin planning for your baby’s birth, including decorating their nursery, buying baby clothes and taking parenting and childbirth classes. Now would also be the ideal time to find out more about cord blood banking, and Insception Lifebank offers parents a great platform to do so. 

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Most Common Cord Blood Myths

Many parents are still largely unaware of the benefits provided by cord blood banking. As such, there are plenty of myths that persist among expecting parents about the safety of cord blood banking and general facts about the process. Here are a few of the most common myths about cord blood banking, and some facts to dispel them. 

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Cord blood btem cells for joint damage repair

Umbilical cord blood contains cells called Mesenchymal Stem Cells, that are capable of producing a variety of cell types, including muscle, bone and chondrocytes. Recently, a group of scientists in Brazil were able to produce Chondrocytes, the cells involved with cartilage production, using defined growth factors from Umbilical Cord Blood. This is important because the use of defined growth conditions will allow for the high yield production of a pure population of cells that will be suitable for clinical applications.

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Pro-Life Groups Support Cord Blood Banking

 It is a well-known fact that stem cell research is a controversial topic. This is mainly because of the way in which stem cells were commonly harvested previously, creating a moral and ethical dilemma among researchers and families in need. Today, Pro-Life groups are showing their support of stem cell research, thanks to ethical forms of collection such as cord blood banking.  


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Insception Lifebank Cord Blood Program Featured in Praxair News

 Praxair, a company which supplies gasses and coatings, has featured Insception Lifebank in its latest newsletter, profiling our use of liquid nitrogen to freeze cord blood stem cells.  

The stem cells which are derived from a baby’s umbilical cord at birth must be cryopreserved after being collected. This is an important step in the successful storage of umbilical cord blood. 

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Cord blood benefits treatment of myleodysplastic syndromes

 Umbilical cord blood contains hematopoietic stem cells that can be used in bone marrow transplants to treat hematological disorders and blood cancers. There have been over 25,000 transplants done using Umbilical Cord Blood (UCB) and the data from these have indicated that there are less complications when UCB is used; importantly, a reduction in graft rejection and less graft versus host disease.

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Benefits of Family Cord Blood Banking

 For parents to understand all of the benefits of banking their baby’s cord blood, there are two options : public donation or family banking. Many parents struggle with this decision, unsure whether or not family banking cord blood is worth the cost. The best decision is an educated one, banking in either a public or a family is worth consideration. 

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Cord Blood Education for Medical Professionals

Expecting parents aren’t the only ones who need to stay in the know about cord blood technology; it is also important for doctors, nurses and other medical professionals to keep up-to-date with the latest advancements in the field. As such, there is a wide range of services offered to professional healthcare providers to educate them about cord blood banking.

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Foundation Spotlight: Parents Guide to Cord Blood

There are many foundations that have been established to spread the word about cord blood banking and promote its use among expecting parents. One that stands out is the Parent’s Guide to Cord Blood Foundation.

The Parent’s Guide to Cord Blood was established in 1998 with the goal of providing parents with unbiased information about cord blood banking. In 2007, Founder Dr. Frances Verter and a newly-formed Board of Directors incorporated the initiative as a non-profit foundation.

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Insception Lifebank Founder’s Research Lauded by Public

Dr. Robert Casper, one of the Insception Lifebank’s Scientific Founders, has received national acclaim for his new research regarding the rejuvenation of human eggs. Covered in the Globe and Mail, his research findings are making a splash in the national medical community. 

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