Insception Lifebank Founder’S Research Lauded By Public

Dr. Robert Casper, one of the Insception Lifebank’s Scientific Founders, has received national acclaim for his new research regarding the rejuvenation of human eggs. Covered in the Globe and Mail, his research findings are making a splash in the national medical community. 

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Umbilical Cord Blood and Mesenchymal Stem Cells

 Mesenchymal Stem Cells from bone marrow or umbilical cord blood have been shown to help speed recovery in animal models of ischemia, spinal cord injury and stroke. The mesenchymal cells have advantages over other stem cells because they are accessible and have the ability to grow well in the lab. When the cells are transplanted to the injury site they have the capability to encourage new blood vessel growth, reduce inflammation and reduce cell death.

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Fall Education Sessions

 Every month, Insception Lifebank Cord Blood Program hosts parent education sessions in order to inform parents about the cord blood banking process. Expecting parents have the chance to chat with cord blood specialists about their questions and concerns about the procedure and its benefits. For the next few months, we’re hosting several education sessions in various locations across Canada.  


Here are our dates for September:  


October 24

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Celebrities Banking Cord Blood

Cord blood banking is becoming increasingly popular for expecting parents. Providing them with the peace of mind that their child will be safe should they ever fall, cord blood banking is seen as a unique form of insurance.  

Many celebrity parents are now investing in cord blood banking, as word has spread about its potential benefits. Celebrities certainly spare no expense when it comes to their children, so it is no wondering that so many famous parents-to-be have been spotted with cord blood kits.  

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The Importance Of Investing In Cord Blood Research

Cord blood transplants are ground-breaking procedures that help to save and change the lives of thousands of patients around the world who are suffering from a wide range of blood diseases. While the technology has been around for over a decade, there is still much that researchers do not know about the benefits of cord blood banking. 


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Cord Blood Laws

Cord blood banking is an extremely useful procedure that can help to save the lives of those suffering from a wide range of diseases. However, very few parents are aware of the benefits of banking their children’s cord blood.

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Expanding Applications of Cord Blood

Currently, cord blood is used to treat over 70 different blood diseases and bone marrow disorders. Hundreds of patients around the world benefit from cord blood transplants every year, but researchers are determined to increase these numbers.

In order to benefit a wider range of patients, researchers want to expand the uses of cord blood technology. Potential new uses include treating brain injuries, diabetes and even degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.

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Cord Blood Banking Payment Plans

Getting ready for the birth of your baby can be an expensive endeavor. Many parents are weary about adding more expenses to the process, but we believe that banking your child’s cord blood is a worthwhile investment. As such, Insception Lifebank Cord Blood Program has created several payment plans to make banking your newborn’s cord blood more affordable.

Our first package gives parents the chance to pay monthy. After paying the intial fee, parents are only required to $125 per month for the storage of their child’s cord blood.

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Ensuring High-Quality Cord Blood Collection

At Insception Lifebank Cord Blood Program, we strive to ensure that we use high-quality processes to collect our donor’s cord blood. This not only guarantees a quick and easy procedure but also a high volume of stem cell collection.

We use the bag method, which allows the cord blood to flow naturally through the needle, from the umbilical cord into our collection materials. This method guarantees that a high volume of cord blood is collected, so that more stem cells can be extracted from it in our laboratory.

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Insception Lifebank’s Partnership with The Scarborough Hospital

Insception Lifebank Cord Blood program prides itself on working within with community to spread the word about cord blood banking. We have formed several valuable partnerships with local hospitals to help expecting parents understand the benefits of choosing to bank their children’s cord blood.

Our most recent partnership is with The Scarborough Hospital in Ontario. Together, Insception Lifebank and TSH will work to encourage cord blood banking among minority families.

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Insception Lifebank’S Partnership With The Scarborough Hospital

Insception Lifebank Cord Blood program prides itself on working within with community to spread the word about cord blood banking. We have formed several valuable partnerships with local hospitals to help expecting parents understand the benefits of choosing to bank their children’s cord blood.

Our most recent partnership is with The Scarborough Hospital in Ontario. Together, Insception Lifebank and TSH will work to encourage cord blood banking among minority families.

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Cord Blood Banking for Ethnic Families

Across North America, cord blood banks have launched initiatives inform minority families about the benefits of cord blood banking. Currently, there is a shortage of cord blood and stem cell donors in ethnic communities, severely affecting the survival rates of minorities who contract particular blood diseases.

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Cord Blood Education for Medical Professionals

Cord blood banking is a potentially life-saving process, but many individuals are still unaware of its benefits. There are still many parents as well as medical practitioners who remain unconvinced that cord blood banking is worthwhile procedure for securing the health of those who many become afflicted with a wide range of blood diseases.

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Insception Lifebank

At Insception Lifebank Cord Blood Program, we believe in working within the local community to spread awareness about cord blood banking. Expecting parents should be aware life-saving potential of cord blood and with Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, Insception Lifebank wants to ensure that the city’s residents know the benefits.

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Registering for Cord Blood Banking

Planning for the birth of your baby is a busy time and it is not uncommon for parents to become overwhelmed by the number of important decisions that must be made and the amount of preparation that must be done. That’s why we make it so easy to sign up to Insception Lifebank’s Cord Blood Program.

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Hospital News Interviews Insception Lifebank Founder

Popular health resources Hospital News recently interviewed Insception Lifebank’s own Dr. Ian Rogers. Founder of the Insception Lifebank Cord Blood Program, Dr. Rogers is dedicated to cord blood technology and stem cell researcher. He is currently researching a procedure that would use cord blood stem cells to treat Type 1 diabetes.

Diabetes destroys cells that produce insulin. Unless treated with regular injections, Type 1 diabetes can be fatal. It can also have negative effects on the eyes, kidneys, heart and nervous system.

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Cord Blood Collection at Insception Lifebank

At Insception Lifebank Cord Blood Program, our cord blood collection methods are proven to be some of the most efficient in the industry. Using our methods, we collect a rate of cord blood stem cells from each donor and our lab facilities allow our technicians to recover a high rate of cells.

The collection of cord blood takes just 5 minutes, and does not harm neither the mother nor the child. The clamping and cutting occurs exactly as it would in any other birth, making the procedure harmless and painless.

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Families without illness history should consider bank cord blood

When it comes to the decision of whether or not to bank their children’s cord blood, many parents believe that a lack of illness in their family history is reason enough to forego the procedure. However, there are many great reasons that justify banking your child’s cord blood, even if a family history of illness is not present.

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Insception Lifebank Educates Students About Cord Blood Banking

Students enrolled in the University of Toronto’s DEEP Summer Program were provided with an exclusive tour of Insception Lifebank’s cord blood banking facilities. To give the pre-university students a concise understanding about cord blood stem cells, the Insception Lifebank team showed them how cord blood banking actually works.

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The International Society For Stem Cell Research

The International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) held its 9th annual meeting in Toronto last week.   The ISSCR is an independent, nonprofit organization established to promote and foster the exchange and dissemination of information and ideas relating to stem cells and to promote professional and public education in all areas of stem cell research and application.

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Why Take Part In A Cord Blood Education Session?

We can’t stress enough that parents should learn about cord blood banking. However, we realize that family doctors may not have all of the information available to readily answer your questions. To fill that gap, Insception Lifebank Cord Blood Program hosts regular Parent Education sessions, during which parents can find out everything they need to know about cord blood banking.

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Parentcentral Covers Insception Lifebank Cord Blood Transplant

Today, an increasing number of mass media outlets are exploring the benefits of cord blood banking. Through outlets like television shows and magazine articles, parents can discover the live-saving potential that cord blood carries.

In a recent article on, reporter Jayme Poisson covered the story of an Insception Lifebank cord blood transplant recipient named Jesse Faquarson. He was diagnosed with retinoblastoma shortly after being born and his doctors did not think he would see his first birthday.

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