Banking on Hope

Insception Lifebank’s Wings of Hope Medical Need Program was established to offer compassionate support to Canadian families who have an immediate family member conceivably requiring a stem cell transplant within the first year following an expected baby’s birth.

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‘Best Of’ Blog List

‘Best Of’ Blog List

With August almost half over (shhhh!!), we’re taking the opportunity to stop and take a look back at some of our best blogs from the last six months.

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Does Cord Blood Expire?

Does Cord Blood Expire?

When any of us considers making an investment, we take the time to look at the decision from all sides. Frequently we find ourselves wondering if the decision we make now will truly benefit us in the future. As parents, the decisions we make take on a whole new meaning. Not only are we making choices for ourselves, but also for our family and our future.

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6 Best Baby Shower Gifts for A Mom To Be

6 Best Baby Shower Gifts for A Mom To Be

As the baby due date rapidly approaches, it’s a great time to think about thoughtful ways to support and spoil a new mom-to-be in your life! Here’s our list of 6 great baby shower gifts to consider.

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Cord Blood Awareness Month

Cord Blood Awareness Month

July is Cord blood Awareness Month! We couldn’t be happier that a full month has been dedicated to raising awareness about this precious resource and all its potential! To celebrate, we’re offering expecting parents this limited time promo code to save upon the purchase of cord blood banking for your little one.

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Baby Proofing Yourself

Baby Proofing Yourself

We’ve all heard of baby proofing the house, but what about baby proofing yourself? Delivering your little one has put a lot of stress on your body. But, now that your baby has arrived, the real work begins! So many of the daily actives that we carry out as parents can take a toll on our bodies – especially post-delivery.

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Celebrating Father’s Day

Celebrating Father’s Day

Becoming a father means becoming a hero.

It means pillow fort building, s’mores making, late night children’s Tylenol runs and endless bedtime stories.

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Summer Pregnancy Survival Guide

Summer Pregnancy Survival Guide

Back in January, it felt like the winter would never end! Now, with June finally here, the summer vibe is in the air and we’re looking forward to days at the beach, picnics in the park and planning new stroller routes! Following our winter pregnancy guide, here's our...

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Ontario Leads In Stem Cell Clinical Trials For Spinal Cord Injuries

Ontario Leads In Stem Cell Clinical Trials For Spinal Cord Injuries

In recent years, the list of diseases and conditions being studied in clinical trials has grown exponentially. While, 10 years ago, the announcement of a stem cell clinical trials for a condition other than cancer would have been revolutionary, this year alone, Ontario has announced 8 such studies either underway or scheduled to start soon.

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Cesarean Sections And Cord Blood: Is It One Or The Other?

Cesarean Sections And Cord Blood: Is It One Or The Other?

Unless it’s prearranged, a Cesarean Section can feel like a wrench in the plan for many expecting mothers. Leading up to your due date, so much mental preparation is done. So, an unplanned c-section can feel like you’re having the rug pulled out from under you....

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Cord Tissue & Stem Cells: Investing In The Future

Cord Tissue & Stem Cells: Investing In The Future

For a long time, we’ve known that stem cells are special. But, for people suffering from Multiple Sclerosis these micro building blocks might hold the key to a healthier future. Ottawa neurologist, Dr. Mark Freedman, and his team at the Sclerosis Research Unit at the...

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Cord Tissue & Stem Cells: Investing in the Future

Cord Tissue & Stem Cells: Investing in the Future

For a long time, we’ve known that stem cells are special. But, for people suffering from Multiple Sclerosis these micro building blocks might hold the key to a healthier future. Ottawa neurologist, Dr. Mark Freedman, and his team at the Sclerosis Research Unit at the...

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Celebrating Our Moms this Mother's Day

Celebrating Our Moms this Mother's Day

Our mothers are our first teachers, our role models and our biggest fans. Everyday, we learn from them. For many, the wisdom our mothers impart to us stays with us for a lifetime.

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National Medical Laboratory Week

National Medical Laboratory Week

This week marks National Medical Laboratory Week. Here at Insception Lifebank, we’re thrilled to celebrate the important work the dedicated men and women of the Insception Lifebank medical laboratories do. Their skill and commitment ensures all health and safety standards are upheld and exceeded in our labs and that patient care remains top priority at all times.

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From Stem Cell Transplant To Marathon Runner In 12 Months

From Stem Cell Transplant To Marathon Runner In 12 Months

Johann Castillo spent many years too weak to enjoy the pleasures of life. He had no energy to play with his two young children or even walk up stairs. That all changed when Castillo received a bone marrow stem cell transplant last year. 12 months later, Castillo has taken life by the horns, training to join the Be The Match Walk+Run that took place on April 11, at Montrose Harbo-Grove 16.

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5 Things To Do Before You Deliver

5 Things To Do Before You Deliver

The countdown is on! Your little one is almost ready to make their debut and you couldn’t be more excited. But, before it’s time to head to the hospital, here are a few things to do before you deliver:

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The Added Value of Banking Cord Tissue

The Added Value of Banking Cord Tissue

What’s the difference between banking cord tissue and banking cord blood? two resources? What can cord tissue offer expecting parents as protection for their growing families? Here’s a look at some of the unique qualities that cord tissue possesses and the advantages of banking cord tissue in addition to cord blood as an investment in the future health of your baby and your family.

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Siblings and Cord Blood Matching

Siblings and Cord Blood Matching

During a routine check-up at age two, Devon’s family received the news every parent dreads; that their child is sick.

When the doctor listened to Devon’s heart, it was clear that something wasn’t right. After a series of tests, the results were rushed to McMaster’s Children’s Hospital for analysis. Due to his extremely low platelet count, Devon was in dire need of a platelet transfusion.

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Cord Blood and Autism: What does the future hold?

Cord Blood and Autism: What does the future hold?

Autism can now be added to the list of diseases that might be treated with cord blood. In the summer of 2014, Dr. Kurtzberg initiated a trial to investigate the safety of a single intravenous infusion of autologous (self) cord blood into children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

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6 Cord Blood Questions You Should Be Asking

6 Cord Blood Questions You Should Be Asking

Now that you’ve made the excellent decision to bank your baby’s cord blood or cord tissue, there are a few crucial questions to ask before you choose a bank. In this post, we’ve highlighted some of the tough cord blood questions to get answers to before you make your final choice.

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