New Type of Stem Cell Discovery Holds Enormous Promise
Working along side an international team of researchers, Insception Lifebank board members, Dr. Ian Rogers and Dr. Nagy, identified a new type of stem cells that could be instrumental in the generation of safer and more efficient designer cells used in therapy. Headed...
Breaking Down The Cord Blood and Tissue Banking Process
When you’re expecting a baby, life gets busy quickly. The list of things to accomplish before the expected due date can seem a mile long and filled with complex, new tasks and decisions to get through.
Since we know you’ve already got a lot on your plate, we wanted to help shoulder some of the burden by breaking down the cord blood banking process into a few easy to understand steps.
Winter Pregnancy: A Survival Guide
When the temperature drops, flu season is in full swing and black ice is everywhere it’s easy to get a little anxious about protecting your baby and yourself during your winter pregnancy. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered during your winter pregnancy. With the season in mind, we’ve compiled a few suggestions to help keep you safe, healthy and happy amidst a winter wonderland.
10 Pregnancy Must-Haves
Here are our 10 pregnancy must-haves to keep your body happy during each trimester. Did we miss any? Comment on the post and let us know what you couldn’t do without during your pregnancy!
Packed School Lunch: The Remix!
Let’s face it, when you picture a brown bag school lunch, the word “gourmet” doesn’t exactly come to mind. But, what if there was a way to reimagine the usual sandwich, apple and granola bar into a creative and appealing healthy lunch that your kids will be eager to finish?
Travelling With Kids: A Survival Guide
Traveling (air travel in particular) can test your patience, your relationships and your sanity! At the best of times, long flights are uncomfortable and exhausting. Add kids into the mix and flying home for the holidays is suddenly akin to scaling Mount Everest barefoot.
5 Myths About Cord Blood Banking
There’s a lot of misinformation out there about cord blood banking. To help clear up some of the confusion, this post debunks the top 5 myths about cord blood banking that we’ve come across.
Top 5 Reasons to Bank Cord Blood
Becoming a parent means taking a monumental leap of faith. It means bringing a precious life into this world knowing that despite all the precautions and care you can take, some things will simply be out of your hands. Regardless, becoming a parent means making a promise – a commitment to helping provide your child with everything they need to succeed in this world.
Join The Fight Against Cancer By Lighting The Night
The Leukaemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada holds the annual Light The Night Walk on the streets of major cities across Canada. This year’s Light The Night promoters are hoping to make it the biggest event yet as thousands of Canadians march through the streets to support an inspirational cause.
Learn More About Cord Blood Says Margaret Atwood
Cord blood banking has been endorsed by many celebrities over the years, such as actors, athletes, and in some cases writers. Cord blood banking in Canada is still a largely unknown concept compared to other developed countries, but esteemed novelist and poet Margaret Atwood believes Canadian families can increase awareness.
Fitting To Have A Cord Blood Education Event In September
September is closely associated with education, and is one of the most important months to remember there are always new things to learn. Children are back in school in September, while families and nonprofit organizations recognize September as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month with campaigns meant to educate people about combating deadly diseases.
Get Ready To Walk And Run To Cord Blood Donation
Blood cancers like leukaemia or lymphoma are among the most diagnosed strands of cancer in North America and elsewhere. In many cases, patients rely on bone marrow and cord blood stem cell donors to help beat the diseases and improve their overall qualities of life.
Time To Learn About Cord Blood In Ontario And Alberta
It’s that time again for new and expecting parents. The newest cord blood education sessions provided and hosted by Insception Lifebank are coming to medical centres near you in both Ontario and Alberta.
Grab A Lemonade, Support Fight Against Childhood Cancer
It’s hard to say there’s been much of summer this year, but it wouldn’t be August without getting to enjoy a nice cold glass of lemonade. Even more fulfilling is an ice cold glass of lemonade that will help support the fight against childhood cancer across North America as well as around the world.
Happy Birthday Danny Nickerson From The New England Patriots!
One six year old boy celebrated his birthday in ways very few children would get to enjoy. Danny Nickerson had a special birthday card created by the New England Patriots team inside the Gillette NFL Stadium, which was broadcast on the jumbotron inside the stadium.
Time To Get Cord Blood Educated In Ottawa And Mississauga
Curious to learn more about cord blood and the benefits of cord blood banking? Families living in Calgary and southern Alberta were treated to a special cord blood education event last week, and a new event is happening for families across Ont
Cord Blood Curious Come To Calgary Rockview Professional Centre
Ontario families eager to become cord blood educated had two opportunities to learn about Insception Lifebank last month. Educational seminars were held at the Harmony Medical Health Centre in Ottawa as well as the headquarters of Insception Lifebank in Mississauga. This month it’s Alberta’s turn.
Special Events To Help Support Kids At SickKids
Any teenager deserves a chance to go to the prom, no matter the location of the venue. For children staying at SickKids hospital in Toronto, they were given their prom on a special Friday night on July 11.
Donate A Cheek Swab To Manjusha Pawaji On July 13
Members of the Mississauga community are asking the South Asian community to assist Justice Manjusha Pawaji. A special “cheek swabbing event” is being held at the Hindu Heritage Centre in Mississauga on Sunday from 10am until 5pm, where volunteers hope to find a genetic match to Pawaji.
Ready To See Celebrities Stand Up To Cancer?
Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C) is an annual charity program organized by the Entertainment Industry Foundation (EIF), and broadcast on major networks on September 5 each year. But for the first time since SU2C began in 2008, there will be a Canadian special airing from Toronto that will be broadcast simultaneously on four of the country’s largest television networks.
Go Online July 8 And Become Cord Blood Aware
Cord Blood Awareness Month is all about educating families about the benefits of cord blood banking. Cord blood education is important to help families understand the potential benefits available by banking their baby’s cord blood.
Time To Kick Off Cord Blood Awareness
Today is Canada Day, the day where Canadians across the country celebrate the formation of Canada as a country back in 1867. Families around the country will be attending celebrations, festivals, concerts, and tributes to all things Canadian today.
But July 1 is also another day of importance for families not just in Canada, but around the world. July is Cord Blood Awareness Month and officially begins today.
Are You Cord Blood Educated?
July is Cord Blood Awareness Month in Canada, a month long campaign encouraging families to learn about the benefits of cord blood banking. In past years, the awareness campaign encouraged families to bank their own baby’s cord blood. But this year, things are a little different.
Be Sure To Check Out Our Cord Blood Education Sessions!
For parents and soon to be parents who are interested in learning how cord blood banking works, we have a parent education session tonight at 6:00pm in Ottawa and one tomorrow at 6:30pm in Mississauga!