Do You Know About World Sickle Cell Day And Scd?
World Sickle Cell Day, created by a United Nations resolution, is recognized globally as a day to spread awareness of Sickle Cell Disease (SCD). SCD is the most commonly known genetic disease in the world today. While it is seen most frequently in people originating from Africa, the Mediterranean and parts of India, it affects many other races and ethnicities.
Why Does Cord Blood Banking Matter?
A child’s umbilical cord blood is a rich and viable source of hematopoietic stem cells or HSCs. These cord blood stem cells are often used for therapeutic transplants to help improve the lives of children living with life threatening blood conditions, diseases, or disorders.
Do You Know The Difference Between Cord Blood And Cord Tissue?
With cord blood and cord tissue banking, parents now have the option to bank two different types of stem cells from their newborn. Cord tissue is collected after umbilical cord blood, and provides families with access to a different source of stem cells.
Cord blood banking provides families a number of well known benefits including:
Did You Hear About The Cerebral Palsy Swagger?
Two brothers were the headline story of the Cerebral Palsy Swagger, a not for profit walk designed to raise awareness about cerebral palsy. The condition is caused by a series of damages the motor control centre of an infant’s brain often pregnancy, and experts believe umbilical cord blood stem cells could help improve conditions for cerebral palsy patients around the world.
Are You Coming On A Tour In Mississauga?
For parents who are interested in how cord blood banking works and are considering doing so for their child, we have a parent education session in Mississauga this Saturday!
The education session is at 10:00am on Saturday, June 7th at 1620 Tech Avenue, Mississauga, Ontario. The session will run for approximately one hour.
What Is Cord Tissue And The Uses Of Mesenchymal Stem Cells?
Umbilical cord blood banking is becoming a common post-birth process due to the benefits of cord blood stem cells, which often function as alternatives to bone marrow stem cells or other methods of therapy. But as researchers continue uncovering new benefits of cord blood, experts are also uncovering uses for cord tissue.
Babies Cord Blood Used to Repair Brain Injury
C. Michael Cotton, an associate professor of pediatrics at Duke, has done a feasibility study by using cord blood stem cells from babies to help repair their injured brains.
Don’t Miss The London Baby Expo This Weekend!
Whether you have a baby on the way or have a family, you won’t want to miss the London Baby and Toddler Expo happening this weekend! The event will take place on May 24-25, from 10:00am – 4:00pm at the Western Fair District in London Ontario.
Did You Know About International Nurses Day?
Did you know that today is International Nurses Day, a day set aside to appreciate the people who dedicate their lives to nursing? International Nurses Day is celebrated every year on May 12 as it coincides with the birth date of Florence Nightingale, the woman credited with the launch of modern nursing in the late 1800s.
Have You Made Plans To Show Your Mother Appreciation On Sunday?
Mother’s Day is in two days, the day where families set aside time and effort to show appreciation for all the hard work done by the maternal figures in their lives. Finding ways to show that appreciation on Mother’s Day can be challenging for children, but many mothers are very forthcoming with what they want for the day.
Australia Inner Wheel Club Gives Teddy Bears On Coin For A Cord Day
On Friday May 2, organizations across Australia celebrated Coin for a Cord Day, a day devoted to fundraising for cord blood stem cell research. The organizations are chapters of Inner Wheel Club, which collectively have raised millions of dollars to help experts uncover new uses for umbilical cord blood.
Treat Mom To A Special Prize This Mothers Day
Do you have any special plans to honour how your mother raised you, or how your spouse, your sibling, your friend, or your partner raise their children this Mother’s Day on May 11?
Families, Fondness, Fun On Hand At Toronto Babytime Show
If you have a family and live in Southern Ontario, primarily in the vicinity of the Greater Toronto Area, you were likely attending or curious about the Toronto Babytime Show. The city played host to the Babytime Show for the 16th time, and was once again a critical success.
Can Babies Be In Arms Of Their Mothers For Umbilical Cord Clamping?
Doctors to help mothers give birth to their babies maintain a standard procedure during the delivery for the health and wellbeing of both the mother and baby. Once the baby is born, the doctor or potentially the father will clamp, and then cut the umbilical cord before handing the newborn to the mother.
Questions About Cord Blood And MS
One of the recurring questions we receive involves how cord blood stem cell therapy can help patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). For example, doctors at various hospitals, including the Ottawa Hospital conducted several clinical trials using bone marrow stem cells to improve the lives of patients with MS
Three Common Reasons To Bank Umbilical Cord Blood
A family’s decision to bank their baby’s umbilical cord blood is a personal decision made for reasons known only to that particular family. The reasons could vary from a personal experience with genetic diseases, a cautious approach to familial health, or a genuine desire to help others.
Come On Out To The Calgary Baby Show This Weekend
It’s that time of year again when families head to the biggest baby shows in the country. This weekend’s baby and tot show will be held in Calgary, inside BMO Centre at Stampede Park attended by friends, families, and exhibitors from all corners of Canada.
Advice For Recurring Questions From Oh Baby Magazine Facebook Party
Oh Baby! Magazine brought together its network of mothers and families for a Facebook Party on March 26. The party was a discussion where families could weigh in on popular parenting, pregnancy, or health related topics to help gather or provide advice.
Ready To Party On Facebook With Oh Baby Magazine?
Who doesn’t love a good party, be it in person or online? Friends and followers of similar interests come together for an enjoyable day when groups like Oh Baby Magazine hold their recurring Facebook parties for families to enjoy. The latest Facebook party hits the network Wednesday March 26 – be sure to register and join in the fun.
National Public Cord Blood Bank Applauded By Cord Blood Experts
The National Public Cord Blood Bank launched their first collection site in Ottawa last fall, which helped Canada join the rest of the G8 in maintaining a donor cord blood collection program. The program has announced additional collection sites at four hospitals across the country, primarily located in ethnically diverse neighbourhoods.
Mother Holds Support Group For Down Syndrome Awareness Week
This week is Down’s Syndrome Awareness Week, a week long campaign to help people understand the complexities of living with the disorder. Doctors continuously search for options of therapy to improve the lives of people, specifically children who live with Down’s syndrome, which includes studying if cord blood stem cells are viable sources of therapy.
Jason Biggs And Jenny Mollen Decide To Bank Cord Blood Of Baby Sid
It seems many celebrities are recognizing the importance of cord blood banking. The latest celebrity couple actively choosing to bank their baby’s cord blood is Jason Biggs and Jenny Mollen. Biggs became recognized internationally after starring in the American Pie franchise.
Australian Celebrities Recognize The Importance Of Cord Blood Banking
Cord blood banking is becoming more popular with families around the world, including professional athletes. Chris and Rebecca Judd, renowned as celebrities in Australia, decided to bank their daughter’s cord blood after welcoming their newborn into the world earlier this month.
What Is The Fallout Of Sharing News Of Your Pregnancy With Your Boss
When questions are presented, they demand answers – even when those answers might be complicated. For many career minded women who are expecting a baby within the year, a question with a potentially troubling answer is how might the boss take the news of the pregnancy?