Today, an increasing number of mass media outlets are exploring the benefits of cord blood banking. Through outlets like television shows and magazine articles, parents can discover the live-saving potential that cord blood carries.

In a recent article on, reporter Jayme Poisson covered the story of an Insception Lifebank cord blood transplant recipient named Jesse Faquarson. He was diagnosed with retinoblastoma shortly after being born and his doctors did not think he would see his first birthday.

Before he was born, his parents decided that they would have his cord blood banked with Insception Lifebank Cord Blood Program. While they had no reason to believe that he would ever need a stem cell transplant, they made the right decision, as a cord blood transplant made the difference between life and death for the young child.

Today, Jesse is ten-years-old and living life like any child his age. According to the article, he enjoys playing video games and basketball, enjoying his young life to the fullest!


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