The first time that your newborn falls ill is one of the most stressful events that you will experience as a new parent.  However, as is so often the case preparation is the key to manage the situation effectively without experiencing a great deal of stress.

There are some tools that you should always have on hand.  If you suspect that your baby has a fever, you will need a thermometer.  A digital thermometer is ideal, since you will need to monitor their temperature on an hourly basis to ensure that it does not exceed 101 degrees.

While it is not advised to use over-the-counter medication for children that are younger than 2-months-old, there are some natural ways to alleviate common symptoms of illness in newborns.  A humidifier will come in handy if your newborn is congested, and a nasal aspirator will help to relieve any breathing difficulties by allowing you to suction mucus out of their nose.

Constant hydration is also very important – not just for children, but all sick patients.  Cases of diarrhea, vomiting and sweating all have the potential to dramatically dehydrate your baby. Always ensure that they are drinking plenty of water, formula or breast milk.

You should always make sure your paediatrician’s phone number is on hand.  If your baby’s fever exceeds 101 degrees or the symptoms do not subside within a 24 hours, you should make a call to your doctor for help.  If you are a particularly nervous parent, you can call your doctor as soon as symptoms appear, and a nurse will offer you helpful advice on how to manage the illness.

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