It is a well-known fact that stem cell research is a controversial topic. This is mainly because of the way in which stem cells were commonly harvested previously, creating a moral and ethical dilemma among researchers and families in need. Today, Pro-Life groups are showing their support of stem cell research, thanks to ethical forms of collection such as cord blood banking.


Collecting stem cells from babies’ umbilical cord blood poses no threat of harm to the child or to the mother. This is one of the main reasons that parents choose to go this route when it comes to donating or banking stem cells. It has also helped to change the opinions of those previously opposed to stem cell therapies.

“Given the ethical, political, and biological constraints of embryonic stem cell therapies, we will for the foreseeable future depend on the development of other stem cell therapies like cord blood”, says David Burrowes, a British politician and Pro-Life advocate.

Increasing support for cord blood banking is just what the market needs. Insception Lifebank Cord Blood Program believes that the opportunity for education and knowledge provides choice, parents should be made aware of the ethical and medical health benefits of cord blood banking.  Clearing up misconceptions and providing facts is a big step forward.


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