Expecting families and parents thinking about having another child are invited to the Save the Cord Foundation’s Google Hangout on October 9.  The online event will commence at 1pm EST, and will be an educational seminar to teach parents all about how to donate their baby’s umbilical cord blood.

The Google Hangout will be monitored by Save the Cord co-founder Charis Ober as well as Kimberly Romo, Communications Specialist for the Tucson Medical Center in Arizona.  The two will also invite a panel of cord blood banking experts to share their advice and experience, who all support a nationally regulated donor cord blood banking program.

Save the Cord Foundation is affiliated with hospitals that operate successful cord blood banking programs across North America, or plan to establish their own in the near future.  The Foundation believes in providing unbiased, factual information to any hospital or family interested in cord blood banking programs, and the team of volunteers works tirelessly to spread the Save the Cord message.

The Foundation is in the process of helping the Tucson Medical Center create its own cord blood banking program.  Save the Cord founders Ober and Anne Sarabia are optimistic that the program could expand across the US, and subsequently provide more families with options to bank their baby’s cord blood.  The organization also supports draft legislation that would make cord blood collection mandatory after each birth in every state.

The hangout is open to any willing participants on October 9.  Be sure to be available and learn all about the potentially life-altering benefits of cord blood banking.

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