Experts in the fields of cord blood and stem cell regenerative medicine are off to San Diego this week to participate in the World Stem Cell Summit of 2013.  The event is being held at the Manchester Grand Hyatt hotel in the city, and will last from Wednesday December 4 until Friday December 6.

The World Stem Cell Summit brings together experts from around the world to discuss and find solutions to problems or obstacles that prevent medical and therapeutic breakthroughs.  The organizers of the Summit believe the goal of each yearly conference is to advance the development of potentially life changing options for therapy.

This year’s summit will feature over 170 international speakers who are experts in their own fields that empower the stem cell industry.  An estimated 1,200 people originating from 40 countries around the world are expected to fly into San Diego for the conference.

The Summit organizers will also present a number of awards to leading experts in the field.  The most anticipated award is the 2013 Education Award, which will be bestowed upon Mary Ann Liebert, who is President of a media empire that publishes authoritative journals in the fields of science and biomedical research.

The Summit declared Ms. Liebert’s work as very informative for parents, medical researchers, and the broader stem cell community at large.  Ms. Liebert as well as all award winning attendees will receive their titles during a special dinner on the final night of the conference on December 5.

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