There’s a lot of buzz about banking stem cells as an investment in your family’s future. But, most of the time, we hear about banking cord blood not cord tissue.

What’s the difference between these two resources? What can cord tissue offer expecting parents as protection for their growing families? Here’s a look at some of the unique qualities that cord tissue possesses and the advantages of banking cord tissue in addition to cord blood as an investment in the future health of your baby and your family.

Umbilical Cord Tissue is..

  1. Collected after umbilical cord blood, and provides families with access to a different source of stem cells.
  2. A rich source of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)
  3. MSCs can inhibit inflammation, suppress the immune response, aid in tissue repair and differentiate into structural tissue including bone and cartilage.9
  4. Clinical development of cord tissue MSCs is at an early stage. MSCs from several tissues are in clinical trials to investigate treatments for heart failure, stroke, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and many more.8

What are some of the advantages of banking cord tissue?

While the clinical development of cord tissue MSCs is at the early stage, the field of regenerative medicine is advancing steadily.

Stem cell research has been the foundation of regenerative medicine, which has the potential to transform healthcare. It is estimated that 1 in 3 people may benefit from regenerative medicine in the future.12 

When you bank your baby’s cord tissue, Insception Lifebank stores a segment of your baby’s intact umbilical cord, preserving all the cells within it to maximize your family’s future health options. Banking cord tissue today may provide future options for your child and your family.

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