Insception Lifebank’s aim to ensure availability of cord blood banking to parents across the nation, requires a strong transportation resource. It also requires a partner that understands how precious this cargo is. Our partner First International Courier is just that.

First International is a ‘direct ship’ medical specialty courier. Their service incorporates pick up at any hospital in Canada, delivery to the nearest Air Canada Cargo (ACC) centre, reception of the shipment in Toronto from ACC and direct drive to our laboratory facility. This entire service sequence is triggered by one simple phone call by the client. Easy, no matter where you live.

The vast majority of these shipments are delivered to our state of the art processing lab inside of a 12-18 hour timeline, well within the 48hr. window, that our Quality Assurance department expects. Timely, no matter where you live.

Often the real value of such a service is completely transparent to a client.

Recently a cord blood unit shipped from another province did not arrive in the lab when expected.  First International, jumped into action.  Working late on a Friday night, they drew on their expertise in tracking and tracing and their full understanding of cargo networks.  Finally, a sigh of relief, when at 10pm, we were advised that the sample was located.  It was retrieved and delivered to the lab, well within the 48hr. timeline. Traceablility, no matter where you live.

What happened?

The sample had not been unloaded when the plane landed in Toronto and it had stayed on the plane for the next scheduled flight – a round trip to the East Coast.

Insception Lifebank and First International in partnership means full traceability, timely delivery, and ease of use. Some things are worth the price.

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