Becoming a parent means taking a monumental leap of faith. It means bringing a precious life into this world knowing that despite all the precautions and care you can take, some things will simply be out of your hands. Regardless, becoming a parent means making a promise – a commitment to helping provide your child with everything they need to succeed in this world.

Banking cord blood with Insception Lifebank offers you a concrete way to keep this commitment to your child.

Here are the top 5 reasons to bank cord blood:

1. Used today in the treatment of over 80 life threatening diseases

The cord blood stem cells found in your baby’s banked cord blood have the unique ability to mature and develop into all types of blood cells. They can be used for transplantation in place of bone marrow in the treatment of over 80 diseases including cancers, genetic diseases, immune deficiencies and blood disorders.28 Cord blood stem cells have been used in more than 30,000 transplants worldwide to date.7

2. Public Banking Limitations

While In 2013 Canadian Blood Services began accepting anonymous donations from women delivering at the Ottawa Civic and General Hospitals and has plans to open further collection sites in the near future, options for public cord blood banking in Canada remain fairly limited. If you do not plan on delivering at hospital offering public bank cord blood collection, you will not be able to donate to the National Public cord Bank. Also, since donated units are listed on an international registry, they may not be available for your family if ever a medical need arises.

 3. A perfect match for your child, and potential match for a sibling

In addition to investing in your baby’s future, banking your child’s cord blood could help your whole family, too. Banking your baby’s cord blood guarantees a perfect genetic match for your child, lowers the chance of transplant rejection and may even provide a suitable match for a family member in need. Furthermore, not only does banking your baby’s cord blood with Insception Lifebank ensure that the ongoing medical history of the donor known to the family but also that the sample is available immediately, if needed.

4. Low Risk, High Reward

Banking this precious resource is a monumental investment in your baby’s future with a risk-free collection process. Cord blood stem cells have the potential to treat an ever-growing list of illnesses. Clinical trials are underway around the world to determine whether cord blood may be useful in the treatment of many diseases including: Autism, Acquired Hearing Loss, Type 1 Diabetes, Cerebral Palsy, Pediatric Brain Injury, Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy, Metabolic Disorders and Spinal Cord Injury.8 Banking today is an investment in tomorrow.

5. Once in a Lifetime Opportunity

Some opportunities only come around once in a lifetime. Banking cord blood for your baby is an opportunity that won’t come again. This precious resource holds world of possibility and has the potential to provide for your baby’s ongoing good health. At Insception Lifebank we are committed to helping you do the most you can to protect and nurture you baby. Banking cord blood with us means that, should the unthinkable happen to your child or a family member, you have options. You have hope.

Click here to learn more about banking your baby’s cord blood with Insception Lifebank.

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