Many families are not likely aware that July is both the official kickoff to summer, and is also Cord Blood Awareness month.  With that, it’s also possible that many families are unaware what cord blood is, or what it is that Insception Lifebank and others organizations like us are all about.  For families expecting a newborn baby in the near future, the timing of this awareness campaign is catered specifically for you.

Cord blood itself is a term used for the blood found in the umbilical cord and the placenta right after a baby is born.  It was once just thrown away after a baby was born but studies have shown within this blood exist valuable stem cells that are used in the treatment of some of the most serious of illnesses including certain forms of cancer; all of which can affect both children and adults.  The treatments that have been successful using cord blood stem cells are available to view for your own research at

What’s most important about preserving cord blood is should your child at any point in his or her life become affected by one of these diseases is they are always a perfect match to their own blood.  The stem cells are readily available and a perfect match at any point in your child’s life so finding a proper donor and racing against the clock is less of a concern.  Here at Insception Lifebank we are your partner focused on quality stem cell product so your child or any member of your family can have access to the cord blood if ever it is needed.

Even the government recognizes the importance of cord blood preservation and is committing funds to further promote awareness of the benefits.  With July officially w cord blood awareness month, organizations across the world have done all they can to help get more families aware of cord blood preservation and provide information so you can further educate yourself.

We can provide you with information about our services so you are well informed.  Getting yourself educated is one of the best decisions you can make as it is a promise to protect your family however best you can.

At Insception Lifebank we want to celebrate Cord Blood Awareness Month and help keep you informed about Cord Blood services at the same time.  Whatever questions you need answered, no matter the stories you want to share, we want to hear from you. Share the challenges you’ve faced throughout your pregnancy and parenthood, or help people in our community by providing advice to prepare them for what’s to come.

There are three ways you can join in on this discussion:

1)     Start the discussion and post your story or question on our Facebook wall. Or,

2)     Interact with Insception Lifebank and post your story or question on Twitter with the hashtag: #InsceptionMoments2012

3)     Post your story or question directly in the comment section of this blog

Please share this link with your friends and family to also join in on the discussion. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.

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