by Insception Lifebank | Blog, Cord Blood Blog, Cord blood stem cells, leukemia
Cord blood stem cells have the potential to treat as many as 75 life-threatening illnesses and medical conditions. One disease that doctors recommend cord blood as a potentially life changing medical alternative is leukemia. Once upon a time, the chance that...
by Insception Lifebank | Blog, Cord Blood Blog, Cord blood stem cells, Stem cell blog
Cord blood banking is a beneficial procedure that offers a treatment option for over 70 different diseases. Currently, researchers are working hard to find new uses for cord blood stem cells, expanding its potential and providing treatment for a wider range of...
by Insception Lifebank | Blog, Cord Blood Blog
As more and more women wait until their 30s to have children, most expecting mothers are dedicated to their successful careers. As such, it is common for many pregnant women to continue working late into their pregnancies, but a new study suggests that this may not be...