by Insception Lifebank | Blog, Cord Blood, Cord Blood Blog, cord blood program
Canada now has a national donor cord blood banking program after years of being the sole member of the G8 without one. The program was officially launched at The Ottawa Hospital in the nation’s capital, and there are plans to expand to three other hospitals across...
by Insception Lifebank | Blog, Cord Blood, Cord Blood Banking, cord blood program
At the end of September, Canada launched its first ever national donor cord blood banking program at The Ottawa Hospital. The launch put Canada on par with other developed nations as families can now choose between donor and family cord blood banking programs. But...
by Insception Lifebank | Blog, Cord Blood, Cord Blood Banking, Cord Blood Blog
Canada’s first national donor cord blood bank is finally open after a long awareness and fundraising effort spearheaded by Canadian Blood Services. The donor bank allows Canadian families to donate their children’s umbilical cords rather than discarding them, which...
by Insception Lifebank | Blog, Cord Blood, Cord Blood Banking, Cord Blood Blog
We grow up watching many of our family, friends, and countless others endure diseases found all over the world. And it’s more likely than not that we know someone with one of these diseases than we know where, how or why they have them. Sometimes imagining the...
by Insception Lifebank | Blog, Cord Blood, Cord Blood Blog
Mothers in Westchester New York are eagerly waiting for Sunday October 20 when the special ‘Mommy To Bee’ Expo will be held at the Wykagyl Country Club. The event includes special seminars for new and expecting mothers, which will discuss topics such as parenting,...
by Insception Lifebank | Blog, Cord Blood, Cord Blood Blog
The Toronto Sick Kids Hospital opened the doors to its newly established research and learning tower on September 17. Doctors, researchers, and cancer survivors are optimistic the new tower will accelerate the pace of medical research to potentially improve the...