Cord Blood Basics

Can I choose to do delayed cord clamping and cord blood banking?


Delayed cord clamping and cord blood banking can both be achieved through consultation with your health care professional and Insception.

We recognize the importance of individual birth plans and aim to ensure cord blood collection does not interfere with parents’ choices during the birth of their child.

30% of Insception customers elect to delay cord clamping up to 1 minute prior to collecting their cord blood. We know that we still can still achieve our average cord blood collection volume with a delay of up to 60 seconds.

Considerations for expectant parents:

Health care providers can manage both reasonable delayed cord clamping and cord blood collections. If Delayed Cord Clamping is part of your birth plan, we recommend a delay of up to 60 seconds to ensure we still achieve our average collection volume – remembering that the amount of cord blood collected relates closely to the cell dose that may be obtained from any given collection.

In the first minute after birth, up to 80% of blood volume is transferred from the placenta to the baby. This means that 1 minute of delayed cord clamping allows for your baby to receive the majority of cord blood at birth and still achieve sufficient cord blood for long term banking.

Delayed cord clamping does not affect the collection of cord tissue. This is something to consider when selecting your storage options. Over 60% of Insception clients elect to store both cord blood and tissue for their differing cell types and therapeutic applications.


What should I do next?

Please contact us at 1-866-606-2790 to discuss further.

Cord Blood Basics Delayed Cord Clamping
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