Family Stories & Testimonials
Belinda and Paul: Investing in Mila’s future
When Belinda and Paul first heard about cord blood banking through their doctor, they immediately assumed it would cost a fortune—just the word “cryopreserved” sounded expensive!
Regardless, they decided to look into it since it was something they really hoped to be able to do for their unborn daughter.
To their (pleasant) surprise Belinda and Paul discovered that banking cord blood for their baby would actually cost a fraction of what they were already spending on all the other baby accessories (which were likely to last less than a year).
Once this hurdle was cleared, deciding to bank was an easy decision for them.
Like all parents, Belinda and Paul would do anything to protect their child, so this seemed like a simple thing they could do for their baby and their family. By banking their daughter’s cord blood, they were preserving something that could possibly save or change a life – should it ever be needed.
With a history of blood-related cancers on both sides of their families, the cord blood option was very appealing to both Belinda and Paul. However, after a little research, they also decided to bank their daughter’s
Considering the incredible progress that has been made in the last 20 years with cord blood research and how far it has come, Belinda and Paul knew that despite the fact that today cord tissue research is in its infancy, by the time their daughter reached adolescence, these cells will likely be able to be used in ways they haven’t even thought of yet.
Belinda and Paul were keen to bank with us here at Insception Lifebank because of our many years of experience and excellent reputation.
Mila was born on August 10, a healthy 8 pounds, 8 ounces, and her cord blood and tissue were collected and stored. Of course, Belinda and Paul hope that Mila will never need the samples, but they feel good knowing that they are available and in good hands if she ever does.