Le chief de file des programmes de sang ombilical au Canada.

Why Store Cord Blood & Tissue?
Today, cord blood stem cells can be used to treat over 80 life-threatening diseases.

Get information so that you can make educated decisions about cord blood banking.

Insception Lifebank offers a number of flexible options to help make cord blood stem cell banking affordable for everyone.
Family Stories & Testimonials
Meet the children and families whose lives were changed forever because the cord blood stem cells they banked with Insception Lifebank were available. Learn More
Get Info Pack
Take the first step to learn about cord blood and cord tissue banking today!
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Educational Video
[wp-video-popup video= »https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKCcXnJPJtY »]
Research & Trials
Insception lifebank is the only cord blood bank in Canada investing in clinical trials using cord blood or cord tissue stem cells. Learn More
What’s Next?
Get Info Pack
Take the first step to learn about cord blood and cord tissue today! Request your get info pack.
Enroll today! Our convenient online process only takes about 15 minutes.
Parent Education Session
Join us for an informative session, either in person or online. We also offer tours at our Mississauga location.
Have Questions?
Call Us Toll Free: 1-866-606-2790
Email Us: info@Insception.com
