Insception Difference

Quality Commitment

As a founding principle of our business, Insception Lifebank continues to embrace Quality in everything that we do. In line with our company’s vision statement; we are committed to the highest level of quality to deliver the highest value to our customers.

Our continued focus on quality innovation, new services and newer technologies allows us to offer our clients a premier cord blood and cord tissue banking service. Our commitment to our quality culture is the cornerstone of our success.

CooperSurgical’s laboratory and storage facilities continue to meet rigorous health care and safety requirements set by International Regulatory Agencies and AABB Accreditation program. We are committed to providing a quality of service to our clients to assure that their cord blood and cord tissue is safely stored for future use.

Quality Management System

Insception Lifebank interacts with a diverse customer base including Parents, Family Physicians, Obstetricians, Gynecologists, Nurses, Midwives as well as clinical trial sponsors and Cord Blood transplant facilities. As Canada’s #1 Cord Blood Program, we follow a dynamic Quality Management System designed to ensure all key relationships are protected and served under the highest quality of care.

Integral to Insception Lifebank’s operation is our Quality Management System. The Quality Management System is based on 10 quality System Essentials developed by ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and comprises the following elements:

  • Executive Management strategic review and planning
  • Staff Qualification, Training and Competency Assessment Program
  • Equipment Management Program for Control, Calibration and Validation of Critical Equipment
  • Quality Agreements with all our Suppliers and Service Providers
  • Quality Assurance and Quality Control to ensure accuracy, precision and traceability of our processes
  • Document and Records Management Program
  • Incident and Error Reporting Systems
  • External and Internal Audit Program
  • Customer Focus and Continuous Quality Improvement Initiatives
  • Workplace Health & Safety Commitment

In addition to the above standards requirements, we incorporate recommended practices set by Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) and Society for Obstetricians and Gynecologists Ontario (SOGC) into our Quality Management System.

Accreditation and Regulation

As an internationally recognized Cord Blood Program we meet the following Standards and Regulatory requirements:


Insception Lifebank is AABB Accredited and has maintained accreditation status since August 2006.

Health Canada

Insception Lifebank is regulated by Health Canada and is complaint to the “Safety Requirements for Cells, Tissues and Organs for Transplantation’ (CTO) Regulations. 


Insception Lifebank maintains Tissue Establishment Registration with FDA and meet applicable FDA current Good Tissue Practice regulations (21 CFR 1271). Tissue establishment registration facilitates an FDA inspection program of US and International Cord Blood banks.

Conferences and Exhibits

Each year our organization is represented at international cord blood and cell therapy conferences. We are a strong advocate for Cord blood stem cell banking globally and we continue to invest resources to be involved at various levels and contribute to these scientific conferences. Attendance provides valuable opportunities to gain knowledge and share best practices with industry. These advancements in quality practices and new technologies can be incorporated, and ultimately provide a premium service for our clients.

  • AABB Annual Meeting
  • ISCT Annual Meeting
  • International Cord Blood Symposium
  • World Cord Blood Congress
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