Insception Difference

Why Insception Lifebank?

1) Experience

  • Founded in 1996 by Canadian stem cell leaders Dr. Robert Casper, Dr. Ian Rogers and Dr. Peter Zandstra, Insception Lifebank is the oldest, largest and most experienced cord blood and tissue bank operating in Canada.
  • With over 25 years of cord blood banking experience, Insception Lifebank has processed and stored more than 109,752 cord blood units, the largest number of all Canadian cord blood banks.
  • Our CooperSurgical family of cord blood banks in Canada currently stores more than 80% of the total cord blood samples banked for Canadian families. The next largest bank in Canada stores only 16% of the samples Insception stores each year.
  • We have an experienced and dedicated team of Newborn Stem Cell Educators who will answer all your family’s questions about newborn stem cells, clinical trials, and how to get started.
  • Insception Lifebank is a part of CooperSurgical®, a renowned name in women’s healthcare, and is part of the world’s largest newborn stem cell preservation bank – with more than 1.2 million newborn stem cell samples stored worldwide. This offers our current and future client families a unique opportunity as we continue to find ways to improve our services.


2) 100% Successful Release Rate

  • Our CooperSurgical family of cord blood banks in Canada has released more cord blood units for use than ALL other Canadian cord blood banks combined.
  • We have a 100% successful release rate, all cord blood units released for use have been accepted for transfusion into patients.
  • We have experience transporting cord blood units to patients both locally and internationally.
  • Find out more about the cord blood releases for transplantation and regenerative medicine.

3) Innovation

  • We are dedicated to the long-term safety of your newborn’s stem cells by continuously investing in lab advancements, storage facility innovations and product development.
  • As leaders in stem cell innovation, Insception Lifebank allows expecting parents to access two different types of stem cells by offering both Cord Blood and Cord Tissue banking.
  • Insception Lifebank was also the first cord blood bank in Canada to offer online patient education webinars and online enrollment, making it easier for expecting parents to purchase cord blood and tissue banking online.
  • Insception Lifebank pioneered partnerships with hospitals in Canada to improve patient education and service.
  • Insception Lifebank was a founding member and the only Canadian cord bank involved in the development of an international association (Cord Blood Association) dedicated to improving the quality and standards of cord blood banking


4) State-of-the-art lab facility

  • CooperSurgical’s world-class lab in Tucson, Arizona (USA) is company-owned, and every single newborn stem cell that is stored with us is subject to a high-quality processing and quality testing, helping to safeguard the security of your child’s precious stem cells.
  • CooperSurgical’s 80,000-square-foot state-of-the-art lab facility offers the highest quality care, exceptional storage, and protection — samples are monitored 24/7 with regular temperature and environment checks.
  • CooperSurgical’s facility processes over 50,000 cord blood and cord tissue samples a year, and has a natural gas-powered back-up generator, protecting against power interruptions and securing continuity of processing.
  • The security of the premises is also armed with motion sensor alarms linked to security services to secure against any breach.


5) Quality Commitment

  • Insception Lifebank is AABB accredited in addition to being registered with Health Canada and FDA.
  • The company’s quality standards have been recognized through ISO 9001:2015 certification — the international standard for quality management systems.
  • The laboratory and storage facilities which are used meet rigorous requirements set by Canadian and International Regulatory Agencies and the AABB accreditation program. We are committed to providing a quality of service to our clients to assure that their cord blood and cord tissue is safely stored for future use.
  • Find out more about our quality commitment.


6) Hospital Partnerships

  • Insception Lifebank is at the forefront of stem cell developments. Our CooperSurgical family of cord blood banks is honoured to be the only family cord blood program in Canada that has official partnerships with world-class medical and research institutions.

  • We are available at ALL Canadian hospitals and home births with worry-free bedside pickup.
  • Our overall strength and stability is one of the reasons why our partner hospitals are confident enough to enter long-term partnerships – they could not and would not risk association with any bank lacking a proven record. This is an important consideration when considering 18 years or life-time storage agreements.


7) Customer Service

  • As the Canadian cord blood leader, Insception Lifebank is committed to providing a convenient and reliable service to our customers, including:
    • Bedside Pick-up across Canada with one simple phone call
    • In-person or online parent education programs
    • Special discounts and easy online registration
    • Multiple financing options
    • Discounts for returning clients
    • Refer-a-friend special benefits


8) Corporate Stability

  • Insception is a subsidiary of CooperSurgical®, a renowned name in women’s healthcare and, alongside its sister companies, forms the world’s largest newborn stem cell family preservation bank – offering the financial stability and quality that existing and future clients need in such a unique manner for years to come.


9) Commitment to Research and Education

  • Insception Lifebank has the largest clinical education team dedicated to Cord Blood and Cord Tissue banking in Canada. This group provides education and awareness to healthcare professionals about the current and potential uses of newborn stem cells and overall stem cell advances.
  • Insception is the only family bank to also operate a public bank. Our public bank is a generous provider of research samples to Sick Kids in Toronto.


10) Newborn Possibilities Program

  • Insception Lifebank is invested in realizing the full potential of newborn stem cells. Through the Newborn Possibilities Program, Insception Lifebank offers cord blood and tissue processing plus five years of storage at no cost for families with a qualifying medical need.To learn more about this program click here.
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